Until now, there have been a limited number of games made available so far that use this technology, with the most popular being Pokemon GO. The mobile app game was introduced some time ago and fans absolutely loved its combination of legendary franchise and AR features.

Introducing the Smurfs

Adding to the AR titles that will be available, The Smurfs: The Lost Village is an upcoming video game that uses the HoloLens. The headset is necessary to play this augmented reality video game which puts players and Smurfs, in the same room. Thanks to augmented reality, those wearing the headset will be able to see and interact with them as they jump on furniture in the home. The game itself revolves around the idea of building one’s own Smurf village and fight off the evil and life-sized Gargamel.

There might be problems for some

While it all seems cool and promising, the new Smurfs game will ultimately require players to have the HoloLens headset, which right now costs about $3000 for the Development Edition. Players will be able to choose how much they want to play The Lost Village, although the possibilities will be significantly limited to most average households which don’t have that kind of money for a augmented reality headset like HoloLens. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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