So, if you haven’t installed these builds yet, but you’re planning to, check out this article to learn more about the bugs reported by Insiders.

Windows 10 build 17101 bugs

Install stops

Some Insiders struggled a bit until they eventually managed to install this build. Fortunately, a quick restart solved the problem.

Boot loop errors

If you already installed build 17101 on your computer and experienced boot loop issues, you’re not the only one. We don’t know if this piece of information makes you feel any better, but we wanted to let you know that it’s not just you. Fortunately, we also have a piece of good news: you can quickly fix this problem by unchecking Fast Startup in Power Options. If this quick solution didn’t work for you, check out this troubleshooting guide.

Feedback Hub login fails

Access to the Feedback Hub is essential for Insiders. As a matter of fact, the whole Windows 10 Insider Program revolves around this tool. Unfortunately, the Feedback Hub is unavailable for some Insiders.

Windows 10 build 17604 bugs

As far the Skip Ahead build is concerned, issues range from small install problems to Skype errors.

Install issues

If you gave up installing build 17604 because the first attempt failed, try again. Some Insiders confirmed they managed to install build 17604 after 6 attempts, so don’t give up.

Skype won’t work

Insiders also reported getting Skype errors when launching the app. Well folks, these are the only issues that Insiders have reported so far. As you can see, both builds are stable OS versions. No BSoD errors, crashes or random restarts have been reported. How has your build 17101/17604 experience been so far? Let us know in the comments below.

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