Compatibility issues
Since the beginning of the rollout, Microsoft struggled to fix the biggest issues of the operating system and make it compatible with a larger number of devices. The company says that it will be providing more information on the rollout pretty soon, suggesting more time is needed before the update is offered to everyone.
Windows 10 Creators Update comes to more devices, including Windows Phones
Director of Program Management, Windows Servicing and Delivery John Cable recently announced that the company is expanding the rollout of the upgrade to make it available to tens of millions of new machines and devices, a move that will also include Windows Phones. All in all, the rollout seems to be taking a long time, with only 15.2% of US users currently enjoying it and almost 27% of German users now on the Creators Update — but this is no surprise as we’ve seen this before with the Anniversary Update. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:
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