The one-handed keyboard feature is actually compatible with other additional 5-inch devices. This is a very useful feature especially if you want to use your phone in a crowded environment or if one of your hands if busy holding all those shopping bags. To activate this feature, press the space bar and slide the keyboard to the left or the right. In this manner, both right-handed people and left-handed users can easily use this feature. To return the keyboard to the center, you simply press the space bar again, and slide it back to the middle. If it’s more comfortable for you to have a higher grip on your phone, you can also slide the keyboard up, using the same method. This is not the only update for Lumia 640. The terminal also received the Windows 10 Mobile upgrade at AT&T. All Lumia 640 owners can now finally upgrade their phones to Windows 10 Mobile, using the same method as everyone else. Microsoft disappointed many users when it revealed the official list of Windows 10 Mobile-compatible devices. Surprisingly, many devices with Windows 10 Mobile compatible specifications were left off. If these two updates made you consider buying a Lumia 640, we’re glad to tell you that Cricket Wireless currently has a very appealing offer for this terminal. You can purchase Lumia 640 for only $29.99. Of course, Lumia 640 is not a state-of-the-art smartphone, it is equipped with a 720p and 5-inch display, and it powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor. It also lets you take fairly good pictures thanks to the 8MP camera, and the 1MP selfie camera. The storage is 8GB and the battery capacity sits at 2500mAh. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:
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