Since this is just a preview, the apps might be buggy first, probably until Microsoft releases a spacial update for improving stability. The preview comes as two separate apps, Preview of Skype video and Preview of Skype messaging. As its name says, Skype video allows you to video call your Skype contacts, but it also covers your Skype conversation history and is able to search your Windows 10 address book for Skype contacts.
The second app of this package is Preview for Windows 10 Messaging on PCs plus Skype. Although the name of the app is a little bit long, and my sound complex, it simply offers text-based Sky messaging with the support to any platform running Windows 10 (emoticons included). You can also access Voice and video calls withing this app. There’s one more useful feature included in this ‘pack,’ it’s a quick replay feature, which allows you to respond to your messages directly in the Windows 10 pop-up notification, without having to open Skype messaging app.
Microsoft will continue its practice introduced with Windows 10, to make a product based on reviews from users, so the company asks for the feedback and feature requests from all interested users. As usual, you can provide the feedback through Windows 10’s native ‘Windows Feedback’ app. Just as a reminder, Microsoft already merged Skype messaging and regular messaging apps on Windows 10 Mobile, we expect even further integration of Windows 10 Mobile and Skype.
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